Saturday, March 12, 2011

Here she is... Anabelle Rowley

Born on Feb 25th at 6:03 pm

6 lbs 13 oz

19 inches long

Finally I am feeling good enough to post a few pictures of our beautiful little girl. She is such a joy and blessing. Here she is right after birth. She was so awake and alert... What a special moment!

Anabelle was in the NICU for 8 days on oxygen. It is so nice to have her home and healthy now. Shane has been the best daddy and husband ever!

It is crazy to think that Anabelle is two weeks old! And she is growing so much. She has already gained 1 lb since she left the NICU.

Bath time :) She LOVES the bath


  1. Congrats you two! She is beautiful and I love the name you chose. I am glad to hear that you are both doing well now! Cute photos Jena! xoxo

  2. Glad you are all home and healthy. Tiff and I both agree that she is so cute, lets hook her and Brayden up ASAP :)

  3. I WANT TO SEE HER! SHE IS SO SO SO pretty! I love the pictures! I am so happy you are doing well now. Love you!

  4. She is beautiful! I keep telling Brandon to let Shane know we're bringing you over dinner one night. We'll find a night that works for you guys. Glad to hear you're feeling better. She really is so darling!

  5. jena i have been DYING to see these pics- she is absolutely adorable!!!!!! im glad that you both are doing better. im gonna call you soon (i thought that i would give you some time). yay, she's sooo cute i cant get over it! okay, call you soon. love you little momma!

  6. She's so cute. I'm so glad you are all doing better. Can't wait to see her in person. Hope you are all getting some sleep at night. The kids love the pictures, thanks for posting!

  7. Oh congratulations! What a precious, adorable baby girl. I hope you are enjoying these sweet newborn moments, although I'm sure you're exhausted. It's such a special time! Hope you're doing good :)
